Playable loop

I've implemented the basic game loop. You can take items from your inventory, drop them in the pot, and hit 'make'. There's only one recipe. 'lemon' and 'ginger', to create cough drops. I don't have the success popup doing nice things yet, but it appears and disappears when needed. It's playable right now, in the browser, for the Go Godot Jam 4!

How do you set alt tag info in itch?

Next I am going to work on building up some  kind of recipe library, and a proper method for matching against them. Right now it's a key & quantity match block. I want the tinctures to have a balancing act element, probably something to do with flavour for this proof of concept. This would let me create basic recipes, such as the cough drops, but these could be customised by the player. For example:

poppy -> good for coughs, tastes like straw
poppy, honey -> great for coughs, sweet, straw-like
poppy, honey, lavender -> great for coughs, sweet, floral

I am excited to see where I go with this.

Files 9 MB
May 07, 2023

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