Use your alchemy skills to extract essential oils, polysaccharides, and other compounds to produce highly concentrated tinctures. Less is more, after all!

Click and drop ingredients onto your work table, then see what you can extract. Add extra ingredients and see how the recipe changes. Find special combinations!

Assets from various packs by Admurin.

This prototype shows my first experiments in Godot. I haven't made a game in many years, and am pretty much a beginner when it comes to using game engines. Embodying a less-is-more attitude, I decided to focus on a tiny element of a larger game idea I had. I consider this more a proof of concept, or a game concept demo. There's no collection element to this game yet, and there's no market for your extracts. Finally, the structures I have chosen for recipe generation and comparison will quickly become cumbersome to modify. I already found a few simple bugs before uploading.

I will post a devlog with a full recap of my thoughts, where I went wrong, what I haven't learned yet that would have helped, and link it here.

Recipes: As there's no story or collection element, and I don't know how to hint the recipes to you, here's a complete list of recipes.

  1. Alcohol & Poppy
  2. Cherry & Grape
  3. Enoki & Water
  4. Garlic
  5. Ginger, Honey, & Lemon
  6. Coconut & Liverwort
  7. Cherry & Lavender
  8. Ginger
  9. Alcohol & Cranberries
  10. Garlic & Ginger
  11. Poppy & Water
  12. Honey & Lavender

Development log

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